Cancer Care center

Cancer Care center 

We understand how hard it can be to choose a specialized place for cancer treatment. You have just received life-changing news, and now you have to decide how to handle it. Here are some of the reasons why our Cancer Care center is your best hope for cancer care.

Who we are:

We have set up the cancer center to take care of your needs as a cancer warrior, but we don’t focus on cancer only, we give a holistic healthcare management as we on the quality of life you will lead, the physical, the psychological and social issues that you would encounter.

At the center we have set up a center having front-line diagnostic and therapeutic technology to give patients the excellent care. With our high-tech equipment, physicians identify each patient’s unique cancer and tailor treatment to cater for the best possible outcomes.

It is our belief that our patient’s deserver the safest, the highest quality and the most compassionate care.



Our team works as one body. We know how to meet the patients’ expectations, identify their needs and customize their treatments in water-tight plans and schedules.

We do this through policies for pre-chemotherapy clinical assessments and blood tests and we know  know how to communicate these established protocols to the patient care.

We follow the international guidelines for handling any complications of treatment as patients should be given information regularly about support during and after treatment.

If you decide to come for care at our center you will have reliable ongoing assessment and  re-assessment as well as rapid access to our professional team 24 hours/ 7 days a week, to provide advice on any problem you may encounter at any time.

Nutrition Clinic

Early detection of nutritional problems is crucial for appropriate nutritional intervention and management of our cancer patients. So, we offer our patients the full nutritional support with our most qualified nutritional consultants in thecenter before, during and after treatment.

Psychology Clinic

If you are nervous, you know you don’t need to go through it by yourself.Our psychosocial support team will be there to work with you if you experience any of these challenges depending on your needs and goals we have the flexibility to offer short and long-term psychological treatment.

Pain Clinic

Cancer pain takes many forms, but bear in mind that most of this pain is manageable. So, managing to control your pain is important to your treatment in our center.

We offer to our patients a regular clinic with qualified cancer pain management consultant to manage these pain attacks.

Early Detection Clinic

Early cancer detection can save your life. Catching cancer early before it has a chance to spread to other organs and before symptoms surface is paramount for a healthy you.

The best service is to be vigilant about your health and work with your physician to understand and follow the international screening guidelines.

Our experts can recommend appropriate screenings during your annual wellness visits and they will guide you to the appropriate procedures.